We have some news to share, some good news made out of some not so good news.
Our Okimaw, Rebecca had a little Chihuahua Pomeranian cross that she called "Spooky". Spooky had a lot of health issues so he needed to come out on the street outreach team (in the van) so that Rebecca could make sure that he got the meds he needed. He was a cuddler and loved all the attention from the other volunteers. Spooky eventually became the unofficial emotional support dog for Water Warriors.
Spooky had this way of looking at his favourite humans, he would stare into your eyes... beaming love into your very soul. He could always sense when someone was having a bad day and would do something goofy to cheer you up, or nudge your hand so you would pet him. He was very empathetic and a favourite amongst the regular volunteers.
Spooky loved to sing. His very favourite song was "Happy Birthday" and his favourite artist was Lady Gaga. He also loved traditional indigenous powwow drumming.
Snacks were also something very important to Spooky. Salmon was his absolute favourite. He would often stash those snacks in his bed so that he had them for later. They always got eaten, don't you worry! He loved to share whatever it was that his Momma was eating too.
Spooky had a rough start to life, but Rebecca loved and spoiled him until his last breath. Besides his health complications, he was a happy little guy.
Sadly, Spooky had heart issues, an enlarged heart and a really bad murmur. His big heart took him from this world on August the 17th, 2024 at the young age of 8 years. His loss has been devastating to his momma, his dad and his "brothers" Gomez (pupper) and Bean (kitten).
Since he was so loved by the Water Warriors volunteer family, we wanted to find a way to remember him that serves community; his pet friends.
We have decided to start "Spooky's Snack Stash"in loving memory of our littlest volunteer. We will be collecting dog and cat food, collars, leashes, toys, beds and TREATOS! These items will be distributed to folks that are living with animal companions on the streets. Often these little ones are that human's emotional supports, a reason to keep going. We want to try to make sure that they are provided for.
Thank you little Spooky for making the world a brighter, more loving place while you were in it. Your momma hopes that this is a way to keep your loving spirit alive.
In loving memory, from your volunteer family. <3